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Products of Leovet
5-star curry comb, pump spray, 550 ml

5-star curry comb, pump spray, 550 ml
The premium curry comb in 5-star quality from Leovet. With arginine, the essential hair nutrient, hair growth is promoted. Pentavitin®,100 % vegetable, as it is derived from wheat, regulates the moisture balance of skin and hair, stops itching and soothes skin irritations. Provitamin B5 (panthenol) improves the moisture retention capacity of skin and hair and gives shine and suppleness. 90 % of the testers of the 5-star curry comb from leovet say: "This is my favourite curry comb, it works and cares better than my old curry comb" (according to the test against comparable commercially available  hair care products). Sensational shine, quick combing of mane and tail and protection against dust and dirt for days.  

CHF 18.90
Cold Pack, cooling gel for horses, 500 ml

Cold Pack, cooling gel for horses, 500 ml
A benefit for tendons, ligaments and the entire musculature. Quickly improves mobility! Arnica, rosemary, menthol and frankincense resin relax and revitalise both horse and rider and are a boon for the entire musculature. Due to the two-phase effect, a pleasant, long-lasting cooling effect occurs after application. This is followed by a pleasant warming effect.

CHF 19.90
Intestinal Elixir, 500ml

Intestinal Elixir, 500ml
For a healthy intestine & good digestion
  • five valuable oils
  • Linseed oil, black cumin oil, bitter fennel oil, aniseed oil and cinnamon oil
  • can have a harmonising effect on the digestive tract and the intestinal environment
  • supports intestinal health

CHF 28.50
Leather Ruck Zuck, 250 ml

Leather Ruck Zuck, 250 ml
Combines saddle soap and leather grease in one step. Cleans and cares for smooth leather. The leather is refreshed, protected and stays like new for a long time.
Gives a beautiful and natural shine. Mineral oil free - Eco Friendly

CHF 12.90
Mane Liquid, 500ml

Mane Liquid, 500ml
Effective against dandruff, mane and tail chafing. Mane Liquid makes dandruff-free, makes itching disappear and thus prevents scoured long hair, balding tail ruffles and short, unsightly manes. With bio-sulphur fluid and urea to normalise all biological processes. This makes the hair shiny and healthy from the ground up.

CHF 24.90
Mould curry comb, pump spray, 550 ml

Mould curry comb, pump spray, 550 ml
Ensures radiant whiteness! Sprayed directly onto stubborn stains such as urine, dung, grass, the dirt is easily removed from the coat. Discolouration disappears, clear white emerges again and is radiantly enhanced by a brilliant white effect. Natural proteins of the moringa tree prevent new accumulation of dirt particles and discolouration.

CHF 21.90
Organic skin oil

Organic skin oil
Natural active ingredients such as calendula, carrot and St. John's wort strengthen and regenerate damaged skin and stimulate hair growth in bald areas. Bio-sulphur fluid sustainably reduces annoying itching and the tendency to chafe. The skin is regenerated.

Varianten ab CHF 32.90
CHF 119.90
Power Curry Walnut, pump spray, 550 ml

Power Curry Walnut, pump spray, 550 ml
Walnut decoction brings warm shine to dark coats and long hair and accentuates the colour! Power Striegel Walnut gives powerful shine, lots of volume and ensures quick combing of mane and tail. UV filters protect coat and longhair from fading.

CHF 21.90
Propolis-Gel, 350ml

Propolis-Gel, 350ml
Erste Hilfe Propolis Gel
Naturwirkstoffe aus dem Bienenstock.
Bienen stellen den Naturstoff Propolis her, der Vitamine, Harze und Spurenelemente enthält, um den Bienenstock mit diesem natürlichen Antibiotikum vor Krankheiten zu schützen. Die ätherischen Öle und harzigen Bestandteile von Propolis wirken antibakteriell und unterstützen die Wundheilung. Propolis-Gel hilft auf natürliche Weise bei Abszessen, Ekzemen, Insektenstichen, kleinen Hautverletzungen und Rissen. Der natürliche Wirkstoff aus dem Bienenstock verbessert die Schutzfunktion der Haut. Pflegt, beruhigt und hält die Haut geschmeidig. Die Anwendung von Propolis-Gel ist auch im Bereich des Sattels und der Gurtlage bei Sattel- und Gurtdruck sowie an Brust und Beinen hilfreich.

CHF 24.90
Zinc oxide spray, 200 ml

Zinc oxide spray, 200 ml
For covering wounds, supports the natural regeneration of the skin. Helps immediately and forms a protective film against wound secretions, sweat, urine, water and other harmful influences. Cares for highly stressed and sensitive skin areas.

CHF 17.90