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Marshmallow root BIO for animals, cut

Marshmallow roots, cut

CHF 79.65

Versandfertig in 14 Tagen, Lieferzeit 1-3 days

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Produktnummer: 810702G.3
Gewicht: 3.1 kg
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Produktinformationen "Marshmallow root BIO for animals, cut"

lat. (Althaeae naturel Radix conc)

The marshmallow belongs to the mallow family and is therefore, like its relatives, an ornament to any garden. The most important characteristic of the marshmallow is its abundance of mucilage, especially from the root. For this reason, marshmallow must not be boiled, but only prepared as a cold extract to preserve the powers of the mucilage.

The mucilage of marshmallow has a soothing effect on all mucous membranes, which is why it is mainly used to support the respiratory organs and the digestive system. Therefore, marshmallow can be used wherever an enveloping, protective effect is desired. Marshmallow primarily has supportive properties for respiratory problems and against irritations in the digestive organs.

Indications (for supportive therapy):

> Mucous membrane irritations
> Diarrhoea and flatulence
> Stomach / intestinal complaints in general
> Respiratory support in general
> Coughs



Attention, all our herbs and products are pure dietary supplements and none veterinary medicines. Our products replace not the vet or veterinary practitioner. They can only be used for supportive therapy