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Products of Horseandmore
anatomischer Zaum BLUE METALLIC

anatomischer Zaum BLUE METALLIC
Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt des Reitens mit unserem "Blue Metallic" Zaum. Dieser exquisite Zaum wurde mit Liebe zum Detail entworfen, um Ihrem Reiterlebnis eine unvergleichliche Eleganz zu verleihen.Das Nasenband und Stirnband des "Blue Metallic" Zaums strahlen in einem dezentem metallic-blauen Farbton. Dieses schimmernde Design verleiht Ihrem Pferd nicht nur einen Hauch von Mystik, sondern zieht auch bewundernde Blicke auf sich.
Ein weiteres Highlight dieses Zaums ist das abnehmbare Stirnband mit Druckknöpfen. Dieses innovative Feature ermöglicht es Ihnen, das Stirnband mühelos auszutauschen, um Ihrem Reitoutfit stets eine neue Note zu verleihen. Die Druckknöpfe gewährleisten nicht nur eine sichere Befestigung, sondern bieten auch eine bequeme Möglichkeit, das Stirnband zu wechseln, ohne den gesamten Zaum abnehmen zu müssen.Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Material, bietet der "Blue Metallic" Zaum nicht nur optische Raffinesse, sondern auch eine komfortable Passform für Ihr Pferd. Die Verarbeitung jedes Details erfolgt mit größter Sorgfalt, um sicherzustellen, dass dieser Zaum nicht nur schön anzusehen ist, sondern auch funktional bleibt. Bringen Sie Ihre Reitstunden auf ein neues Niveau, indem Sie den "Blue Metallic" Zaum wählen. Dieser Zaum ist nicht nur ein Ausrüstungsgegenstand, sondern auch ein Ausdruck Ihres Stils und Ihrer Leidenschaft für das Reiten. Zeigen Sie Ihre Individualität und setzen Sie ein Statement, während Sie die Verbindung zu Ihrem Pferd vertiefen!

  • Nasen- und Stirnriemen in dezentem blauen Metallic Farbton
  • Stirnband mit Druckknöpfen für schnelles Wechseln
  • Hakenschnallen an den Backenstücken
  • super weich gepolstertes, anatomisches Genickstück, für optimale Druckverteilung
  • Zaum wird ohne Zügel geliefert

CHF 139.00
anatomischer Zaum CROCOLUX

anatomischer Zaum CROCOLUX
Erleben Sie den Gipfel von Eleganz und Komfort mit unserem exquisiten "CrocoLux" Zaum. Dieser Zaum vereint die faszinierende Anmut des Krokoleders mit der unnachahmlichen Weichheit von hochwertigem Leder, um Ihnen und Ihrem Pferd ein außergewöhnliches Reiterlebnis zu bieten. Das Nasenband und das Stirnband des "CrocoLux" Zaums sind kunstvoll mit edlem Krokoleder verziert. Dieses sorgfältig ausgewählte Krokoleder verleiht dem Zaum eine beeindruckende Textur und ein unverwechselbares Erscheinungsbild. Das breite Nasenband sorgt nicht nur für eine ästhetische Balance, sondern bietet auch eine gleichmäßige Druckverteilung für das Wohlbefinden Ihres Pferdes. Was den "CrocoLux" Zaum wirklich auszeichnet, ist das Streben nach Komfort. Das Leder, das für diesen Zaum verwendet wird, ist außergewöhnlich weich und sanft zu Ihrem Pferd. Es ermöglicht eine angenehme Passform und minimiert mögliche Reibung oder Irritationen. Das innovative Stirnband mit Druckknöpfen setzt den "CrocoLux" Zaum in eine eigene Liga. Mit diesem Feature können Sie das Stirnband im Handumdrehen wechseln, um Ihrem Reitoutfit eine neue Nuance zu verleihen, ohne den gesamten Zaum entfernen zu müssen. Die Druckknöpfe garantieren einen sicheren Halt und eine einfache Handhabung. Der "CrocoLux" Zaum ist eine Symbiose aus Luxus, Stil und Funktionalität. Mit diesem Zaum zeigen Sie nicht nur Ihren Sinn für Ästhetik, sondern auch Ihre Liebe und Sorgfalt für Ihr Pferd. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt der Eleganz und wählen Sie den "CrocoLux" Zaum.
  • Nasen- und Stirnriemen mit Krokoleder verziehrt
  • breites Nasenband
  • Stirnriemen mit Druckknöpfen für schnelles Wechseln
  • Hakenschnallen an den Backenstücken
  • super weich gepolstertes, anatomisches Genickstück
  • Zaum wird ohne Zügel geliefert

CHF 149.00
anatomischer Zaum RONDO

anatomischer Zaum RONDO
Entdecken Sie den eleganten "Rondo" Pferdezaum - die perfekte Kombination aus stilvollem Design und praktischer Funktionalität. Dieser exquisite Zaum wurde für anspruchsvolle Reiter entworfen, die höchsten Wert auf Qualität und Ästhetik legen. Das Nasen- und Stirnband ist in einer faszinierender runder Flechttechnik gestaltet, die Ihrem Pferd einen Hauch von Luxus verleiht. Die feine, runde Naht entlang des Nasenbands sorgt nicht nur für eine angenehme Passform, sondern unterstreicht auch das hochwertige Handwerk, das in die Herstellung dieses Zaums investiert wurde. Ein hervorzuhebendes Merkmal des "RONDO" Zaums ist der entfernbarer Sperriemen. Ob Sie auf dem Trainingsplatz arbeiten oder sich auf ein Turnier vorbereiten, dieser Zaum bietet die Vielseitigkeit, die Sie benötigen. Hergestellt aus erstklassigem Leder von Handwerkern, die jahrelange Erfahrung haben, ist der "RONDO" Pferdezaum nicht nur ein Ausrüstungsgegenstand, sondern auch ein Statement. Jedes Detail wurde sorgfältig gestaltet, um eine harmonische Einheit von Form und Funktion zu schaffen. Perfektionieren Sie Ihre Reitausrüstung mit diesem Zaum, das sowohl in der Reithalle als auch auf dem Turnierplatz brilliert.
  • Nasen- und Stirnriemen in runder Flechttechnik
  • abnehmbarere Sperrriemen
  • Hakenschnallen an den Backenstücken
  • super weich gepolstertes, anatomisches Genickstück
  • Zaum wird ohne Zügel geliefert

CHF 119.00
Black cumin chips (press cake)

Black cumin chips (press cake)
Black cumin chips from first cold pressing
(100% pure press cake from Nigella Sativa, Egypt.) Residual oil content 10 - 13 % / 10 kg=1 L black cumin oil The press cake is easy to use, just add 1 handful of pellets to the feed.

Varianten ab CHF 17.00
CHF 25.00
Black cumin oil, cold pressed

Black cumin oil, cold pressed
The Prophet Mohammed already described the effect of black cumin oil. The small, deep black seeds come from a poppy-like capsule. Black cumin oil contains valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, rare oil fractions and over 100 secondary plant substances. With its polyunsaturated fatty acids, black cumin oil provides an important nutrient base for the formation of the body's own prostaglandin.

Our black cumin oil is pressed cold (below 40 degrees°) and at moderate pressure. The often common extraction and refining processes are consistently avoided in our oils. Subsequent heat damage, chemical-physical changes or process residues are avoided. Preservatives or other additives are also not contained in the end product. Our oils are coarsely filtered so that even the biologically significant turbid substances are preserved. Field of application:
  • Defence
  • Respiratory tract,
  • Coat / skin
  • Immune system,
  • Insect repellent
  • Hypersensitivity (allergy)
  • Digestion

CHF 25.00
Black cumin oil, cold pressed, 1000ml

Black cumin oil, cold pressed, 1000ml
The Prophet Mohammed already described the effect of black cumin oil. The small, deep black seeds come from a poppy-like capsule. Black cumin oil contains valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, rare oil fractions and over 100 secondary plant substances. With its polyunsaturated fatty acids, black cumin oil provides an important nutrient base for the formation of the body's own prostaglandin.

Our black cumin oil is pressed cold (below 40 degrees°) and at moderate pressure. The often common extraction and refining processes are consistently avoided in our oils. Subsequent heat damage, chemical-physical changes or process residues are avoided. Preservatives or other additives are also not contained in the end product. Our oils are coarsely filtered so that even the biologically significant turbid substances are preserved. Field of application:
  • Defence
  • Respiratory tract,
  • Coat / skin
  • Immune system,
  • Insect repellent
  • Hypersensitivity (allergy)
  • Digestion

CHF 49.00
Brewer's yeast 100 % PUR

Brewer's yeast 100 % PUR
100% pure brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Brewer's yeast from Horseandmore has a high content of many high-quality vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements.
These high-quality active substances have a promoting and regulating effect on the vital metabolic processes, which can significantly improve the utilisation of nutrients.
In horses, brewer's yeast has an effect on the intestinal flora in the large intestine. In particular, the B vitamins, the various sulphur-containing substances and nucleic acids contained in brewer's yeast in large quantities are said to have a special effect on the natural regulation of the skin metabolism. Brewer's yeasts are widely used and highly valued in animal feed / animal husbandry. The following properties are attributed to them: ---------------------
  • Brewer's yeast from Bio Birchler can be fed throughout the year, it provides the horse with vitamins, minerals and trace elements of the highest bioavailability -
--------------------- Proven applications of brewer's yeast:
- for gastro-intestinal problems, colic, watery stools
- for intestinal rehabilitation after antibiotics
- for hoof problems (crumbly, brittle hooves)
- for skin and coat problems (eczema, etc.) - for metabolic problems (e.g., in the case of a horse's heart) - for skin and coat problems (e.g., eczema, etc.))
- for metabolic problems
- to improve nutrient utilisation
- phosphorus deficiency in older horses
- for lack of concentration
- to strengthen the nerves
- to improve fertility and much more.

CHF 15.30
Brewer's yeast BT

Brewer's yeast BT
Brewer's yeast BT, consists of brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which is bound to the carrier substance brewer's grains in a special process and gently dried. The ingredients of brewer's yeast in combination with the dietary components of brewer's grains stabilise stomach and intestinal activity. Digestion, metabolism and conformation are effectively supported Brewer's yeasts are widely used and highly valued in animal nutrition / animal rearing. - Stabilises and regenerates the intestinal flora - Prevents stomach/intestinal diseases (faecal water etc.) - Strengthens the immune system, protects against infections - Absorbs harmful bacteria and their metabolic products - Reduction of mycotoxin contamination in the feed - Increase of feed acceptance and intake - Supply of natural vitamins and minerals - Supply of protein and amino acids of high biological value - Activation of blood circulation in the skin and growth of the coat - etc.

CHF 14.10
Catty- Vitamin B Treat

Catty- Vitamin B Treat
Now available again with the proven recipe! Catty treats taste very good, especially most cats are downright fond of them! They are also very healthy and contribute to the well-being of the animal. Made from pure noble yeast (GMO-free, free from antibiotics, pesticides and heavy metals, vegan). Precious yeast is the natural product with the highest content of natural vitamins of the B-complex, a very high content of biologically valuable protein and 18 essential amino acids. The positive effect of enzymes, the B vitamins, amino acids and minerals is mainly due to the interaction of all these valuable, natural vital substances Yeast in pet food: Yeasts are widely used in animal food and especially in animal husbandry. The following effects are attributed to yeasts: - Stabilisation / regeneration of the intestinal flora, prevents gastrointestinal diseases; promotes the healing process - Strengthening of the immune system, protection against infections - Strengthening and absorption of harmful bacteria and their metabolic products - Reduction of mycotoxin contamination in feed - Increases acceptance and feed intake - Supply of natural mineral and vitamin concentrates - Supply of protein and 18 essential amino acids of high biological value - Activation of blood circulation in the skin and growth of the coat

CHF 19.80
Catty- Vitamin B Treat

Catty- Vitamin B Treat
Now available again with the proven recipe! Catty treats taste very good, especially most cats are downright fond of them! They are also very healthy and contribute to the well-being of the animal. Made from pure noble yeast (GMO-free, free from antibiotics, pesticides and heavy metals, vegan). Precious yeast is the natural product with the highest content of natural vitamins of the B-complex, a very high content of biologically valuable protein and 18 essential amino acids. The positive effect of enzymes, the B vitamins, amino acids and minerals is mainly due to the interaction of all these valuable, natural vital substances Yeast in pet food: Yeasts are widely used in animal food and especially in animal husbandry. The following effects are attributed to yeasts: - Stabilisation / regeneration of the intestinal flora, prevents gastrointestinal diseases; promotes the healing process - Strengthening of the immune system, protection against infections - Strengthening and absorption of harmful bacteria and their metabolic products - Reduction of mycotoxin contamination in feed - Increases acceptance and feed intake - Supply of natural mineral and vitamin concentrates - Supply of protein and 18 essential amino acids of high biological value - Activation of blood circulation in the skin and growth of the coat

CHF 9.90
Chondroitin sulphate for animals, 1 kg tin

Chondroitin sulphate for animals, 1 kg tin
Chondroitin is one of the best-known joint nutrients. Increased stress, for example in sport horses or in older animals, often leads to problems in the musculoskeletal system when the natural supply is no longer guaranteed. To support the development of the joints, chondroitin can be fed daily We also use this raw material for the production of food supplements.

CHF 194.00

Wir bieten einen professionellen Waschservice für Ihre Pferdedecken, Schabracken, Hundebetten usw.

Wir verwenden nur Waschmittel, welche zum jeweiligen Material passen. Diese halten die Funktionsstoffe der Pferdedecken atmungsaktiv und wasserdicht.
Auf Wunsch werden die Decken mit Wash-in Imprägniermittel extra imprägniert.
Wir unterscheiden nicht nach Füllung der Decken. Alle Regen-/Winterdecken sind bei uns gleich teuer.

Wenn Pferdehaare manuell entfernt werden müssen, weil die Decke so stark verschmutzt ist,  wird das nach Aufwand verrechnet.

Varianten ab CHF 10.00
CHF 33.00
Dosing pump for 3 L and 5 L canister incl. measuring beaker

Dosing pump for 3 L and 5 L canister incl. measuring beaker
High-quality dosing pump for easy and precise removal of the oil. Suitable for all our 3 litre and 5 litre canisters. Measuring cup included!

CHF 9.90
ESPARSETTE cobs, 20 kg

ESPARSETTE cobs, 20 kg
For healthy digestion and liver function and to support the metabolism, especially in sensitive horses Gently warm air dried and pelletised single feed made from the precious legume sainfoin. Natural, without additives. The high content of essential amino acids, vital substances and organically bound minerals makes sainfoin cobs a valuable grain-free "concentrate" for all horses:
  • promotes an environment in the gastro-intestinal tract that is hostile to worms
  • ideal for healthy horses as well as horses with metabolic problems
  • is a high-quality feed supplement to enhance the daily feed ration
  • is suitable for supporting digestion
  • has a high content of dietary crude fibre and condensed tannins
  • is a rich source of organically bound calcium, vitamins, ß-carotene, selenium and important trace elements
  • has a high content of rutin to support the elasticity of blood vessels and blood capillaries
  • is suitable for senior horses, heavy-fed horses or horses suffering from emaciation
  • is very digestible, has an excellent acceptability
  • supports the muscle development of performance and western horses
Feeding recommendations:
  • Young horses in growth: from 0.4 kg daily
  • lactating mares: from 0.5 kg daily
  • heavy-fed and older horses: from 0.5 kg daily
  • Sport and race horses: from 1 kg daily
  • Hobby horses: from 0.15 kg daily as a high-quality cereal substitute
Feeding instructions:
  • Please soak before feeding! (Pour 3 cups of water over 1 cup of cobs and leave to soak for about 45 minutes).
  • Small portions can be fed out of hand as a healthy treat without soaking.
Feeding stuff: Supplementary feed for horses

CHF 52.90
Futterschale mit Deckel

Futterschale mit Deckel
Futterschale mit Deckel

  • perfekt geeignet um Leckerli oder Futterportionen aufzubewahren
  • ideal um Mash zuzubereiten
  • einfach zu reinigen
  • gut schliessender Deckel
  • Kunststoff, lebensmittelecht
  • Inhalt 2Liter

CHF 6.90
Gastro Sana, 1 kg tin

Gastro Sana, 1 kg tin
GastroSana from Bio Birchler brings the intestine back into balance. The excellent properties of GastroSana are based on the special surface structure of brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), from which the soluble metabolites are separated in a special process and the mannan-oligo-saccarides and β-glucans of the cell walls are concentrated. In combination with specially selected herbs and the enlarged surface structure of the mannanoligosaccharides, the adsorption power is considerably increased and can provide relief from typical intestinal complaints such as diarrhoea and watery stools. Ideal for horses prone to diarrhoea or watery stools. Gastro Sana soothes the irritated intestinal mucosa and supports the natural development of microorganisms in the intestine. Only an all-round healthy intestine can provide the full performance for more vitality and well-being 100% purely natural ingredients. Grain-, gluten- and molasses-free!
  • Proven examples of use from Gastro Sana:

    - for gastro-intestinal problems, colic, watery stools
    - for intestinal rehabilitation after antibiotics
    - for hoof problems (crumbly, brittle hooves)
    - for skin and coat problems (eczema, etc.)
    - for metabolic problems
    - for feed conversion
    - for binding toxins in the intestine
    - for improving fertility, etc. - for increasing general well-being and vitality
This product is not a veterinary medicine, but a supplementary feed. This product does not replace a visit to the vet!

CHF 59.00
Gastro-Active, powder

Gastro-Active, powder
New formula, with new prebiotic special yeast. The "new" yeast supports the formation of a protective mucus barrier (biofilm) on the epithelium and occupies specific receptors in the intestinal mucosa. In addition, the specially broken down brewer's yeast is able to bind pathogens and toxins in the brewer's yeast cell walls and expel them from the intestine. Gastro-Active for gentle intestinal regulation with excellent tolerance --- Product description: Pro- and pre-biotic, high-fibre preparation, enriched with approx. 9.6 bia. Lactic acid bacteria per 100 g (lacto-bacilli acidophilus, bifidobacterium lactis). Lactic acid bacteria and fibres (psyllium, strongly swelling and mucus-forming) are the means of choice for healthy intestinal flora and well-functioning digestion. Active ingredients contained in Gastro-Aktiv: Precious yeast (rich in B vitamins, positive influence on digestion and the immune system, etc.), lactic acid bacteria, oligofructose, inulin, maltodextrin, rice flour, and as main active ingredients: psyllium and rape seed husks. Probiotic lactic acids (lactobacilli), have a positive effect on health and well-being by ensuring a healthy intestinal flora, which is also beneficial for the colonisation of other beneficial bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria are therefore essential for healthy, functioning digestion. Of the various known lactic acid bacteria, it is mainly the bacterial strains acidophilus and bifidus to which we owe these positive effects. Psyllium Plantago ovata (also: psyllium, ispagula) is marketed under the name "Indian psyllium or psyllium husks" as food and for healing purposes and is mainly cultivated in India and Pakistan for this purpose. Their vegetable dietary fibres are able to bind more than 50 times the water (whole psyllium seeds: more than 12 times). This swelling capacity causes an increase in the volume of the stool in the intestine, stimulates peristalsis through the resulting pressure on the intestinal wall and thus triggers the reflex to empty the bowels. This regulates motility and the absorbed water has a longer transit time (retention time) in the intestine. So-called flosine mucilage polysaccharides, which are found in the seed shells, are responsible for the strong swelling behaviour. The seeds or their shells can help with both constipation and diarrhoea. In addition to gentle intestinal regulation, the soluble dietary fibres also cleanse the intestines of putrefactive substances and intestinal gases, e.g. carcinogenic digestive end products such as indole, skatole and phenol. Psyllium also promotes the growth of intestine-friendly bacteria. The soluble dietary fibres are not only effective through bacterial degradation in the large intestine, but also in the small intestine. Psyllium husks also contain valuable mucilage, which leads to a lubrication layer and improved gliding of the intestinal contents, but also to the fact that inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract can recede more quickly, as the digestion of mucilage does not put a strain on the intestinal mucosa. Especially in the remission phase of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), psyllium husks have a favourable influence on the pro-inflammatory messenger substances TNF-α and nitric oxide (NO) and also have a protective effect on the intestinal mucosa. A significant advantage of psyllium husks compared to most chemical laxatives is their excellent tolerability, which means that they can be taken for a long time without hesitation.

Varianten ab CHF 9.90
CHF 79.90
Glucosamine HCL, Powder 1 Kg

Glucosamine HCL, Powder 1 Kg
100% pure glucosamine (powder) - Free from additives - From natural marine sources - Glucosamine is a supplement for horses, dogs and cats to treat osteoarthritis and other joint diseases. - protects the cartilage tissue of the joints from further degradation
- prevents joint disease and keeps your animal healthy
- relieves pain
- improves mobility and lubrication of the joints
Glucosamine contains important amino acids that support the stability and elasticity of ligaments, tendons and cartilage. Glucosamine can be used preventively. Older animals in particular often suffer from osteoarthritis. Painkillers are often prescribed, which can undoubtedly have a negative effect on health if used over a long period of time.
Moreover, they only treat the symptoms and not the cause of the disease. Unlike painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, glucosamine can also be taken over a long period of time because it is naturally found in the body. There is no likelihood of dangerous long-term side effects Contents: 100% pure glucosamine HCL (powder), measuring spoon (5g)

CHF 87.00
Glucosamine HCL, powder, 500 g

Glucosamine HCL, powder, 500 g
100% pure glucosamine (powder) - Free from additives - From natural marine sources - Glucosamine is a supplement for horses, dogs and cats to treat osteoarthritis and other joint diseases. - protects the cartilage tissue of the joints from further degradation
- prevents joint disease and keeps your animal healthy
- relieves pain
- improves mobility and lubrication of the joints
Glucosamine contains important amino acids that support the stability and elasticity of ligaments, tendons and cartilage. Glucosamine can be used preventively. Older animals in particular often suffer from osteoarthritis. Painkillers are often prescribed, which can undoubtedly have a negative effect on health if used over a long period of time.
Moreover, they only treat the symptoms and not the cause of the disease. Unlike painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, glucosamine can also be taken over a long period of time because it is naturally found in the body. There is no likelihood of dangerous long-term side effects Contents: 100% pure glucosamine HCL (powder), measuring spoon (5g)

CHF 48.90
Green lipped muscle extract (concentrate), 100% PUR

Green lipped muscle extract (concentrate), 100% PUR
100% pure green-lipped mussel powder concentrate in food quality, recommended for feeding-related deficiency symptoms that negatively affect joints, tendons and the entire musculoskeletal system. Glycosaminoglycan content: min. 20g / kg. Pure New Zealand green-lipped mussel concentrate, recommended for feed-related deficiency symptoms that negatively affect joints, tendons and the entire musculoskeletal system. Quality: Food grade green lipped mussel extract ! The extract is imported from one of the most renowned manufacturers in New Zealand. This quality is also used for food supplements for humans and is certified by the Ministry of Agriculture of New Zealand. Our manufacturer is one of the world's leading suppliers and has one of the best green-lipped mussel qualities on the market with tested biological activity.

CHF 22.00
Green-lipped Mussel FORTE, 1 kg tin

Green-lipped Mussel FORTE, 1 kg tin
For prophylaxis against complaints of the musculoskeletal system (joints, tendons, cartilage, connective tissue) as well as for the treatment of acute joint complaints (arthrosis, etc.) Balanced mixture of 30% green lipped muscle extract, 15% ginger, 15% glucosamine, 10% MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), 10% chndroitin sulphate and a vegetable flavouring. First-class green-lipped mussel extract from New Zealand (over 20 g /kg glycosaminoglycan). Glucosamine glycans are indispensable for the musculoskeletal system and have a positive effect in alleviating problems with joints, tendons, cartilage, etc. The sulphur compounds MSM and chondroitin are also extremely important for the metabolic functions of the musculoskeletal system. Start with a small dosage (e.g. 2 x daily). Application (large horses): 5 -10 g / day

CHF 132.00
Hemp oil for animals, cold pressed, 5000ml

Hemp oil for animals, cold pressed, 5000ml
Hemp has long been considered a nutritionally important oil fruit. Hemp oil contains a particularly high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, especially the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, which is only found in this high concentration in a few plants. Our hemp oil is freshly pressed from regional hemp seeds in a small oil mill. Our oils are filled with a vacuum filling system, so the oil does not come into contact with any pumps or metal parts. The advantages of hemp oil at a glance: General health:
  • Significant health benefits
  • Improves physical well-being
  • Supports digestion
  • Can reduce inflammation in horses
  • Regulates hormonal balance
  • Reduces risk of energy intake in horses prone to laminitis
  • May reduce inflammation in horses
  • Valuable for supporting respiratory problems
  • Supportive for horses sensitive to metabolism (Cushing's, PSSM, EMS)
  • promotes appetite
  • Reduces aggressive behaviour
  • Less irritable behaviour
  • Can reduce stress
  • May improve endurance
  • Reduces over-acidification of muscles during intense work
  • Supportive for eczema, rashes
  • Itching and tail chafing
  • Natural hoof oil

Varianten ab CHF 47.00
CHF 198.00
Herbal Blend Autumn & Winter Fit

Herbal Blend Autumn & Winter Fit
In preparation for the cold season The special composition of this herbal mixture with rosehip increases the general well-being and strengthens the immune system during the time of the coat change in autumn -------- Disclaimer: This herbal mixture is not a veterinary medicine, but a supplementary feed This product does not replace a visit to the vet!

Varianten ab CHF 49.00
CHF 132.30
Herbal Blend Breath-GOLD

Herbal Blend Breath-GOLD
A gentle herbal mixture for nutritional support of the function of the respiratory tract Disclaimer:
This herbal mixture is not a veterinary medicine, but a supplementary feed. This product does not replace a visit to the vet!

Varianten ab CHF 56.00
CHF 151.20